Along with advocating the pure beauty of math, parts of my blog may be about praising the pure awesomeness of MATLAB. I will say a lot more about why I have learned to love it so much later. What I will need to make these points is a decent way of performing syntax highlighting. Therefore, […]
Category Archives: Uncategorized
Mathjax test
Sometimes, my blog posts my contain formulas. This could be simple inline formulas like $e^{j \pi} + 1 = 0$ or longer ones line $\int_{-\infty}^\infty e^{-x^2} {\rm d}x = \sqrt{\pi}$. It could also be displayed equations like $$\sum_{n=0}^\infty q^n = \frac{1}{1-q}, \quad q \in \real, |q| < 1.$$ And, in particular they might involve vectors […]
So, here it is. I give the world a gift it has not been waiting for: Adding yet another blog to the endless list of millions of blogs with totally infrequent updates and no coherent content. Why am I doing that? Well, from time to time, there are small things, I find neat and I […]