10/2021: Best paper award by Fraunhofer IZFP for the best international publication in 2021: F. Krieg, et. al., "Locally optimal subsampling strategies for full matrix capture measurements in pipe inspection", published in MDPI Sensors
10/2020: Best paper award by Fraunhofer IZFP for the best international publication in 2020: F. Krieg, et. al., "SAFT processing for manually acquired ultrasonic measurement data with 3D smartInspect", published in Insight - The Journal of The British Institute of Non-Destructive Testing
10/2016: Best paper award of the Ilmenau University of Technology for the publication "R-Dimensional ESPRIT-Type Algorithms for Strictly Second-Order Non-Circular Sources and Their Performance Analysis" (J. Steinwandt et. al.), in
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 62(18), Sep 2014.
Research in various national and international research project (e.g., in the
European research projects WINNER-2 (as a subtask leader for the subtask Local Area)
Teaching assistant at the Communications Research Lab including the courses Signals and Systems (Signale und Systeme) 1 & 2, telecommunication systems (Telekommunikationstechnik),
information technology (Informationstechnik), Mobile Communications, Adaptive and Array Signal Processing
Tutoring for diploma theses, student projects, Bachelor- und Masters theses
05/2003 - 10/2006: student research assistant at the Communications Research Lab at
Ilmenau University of Technology:
research on high-resolution parameter estimation, non-circular complex random signals, electronically steerable (ESPAR) antennas
10/2006-10/2012: Ph.D. studies in electrical engineering with major in communications research at Ilmenau University of Technology
10/2000 - 10/2006: studied computer engineering at Ilmenau University of Technology
major in telecommunications engineering and digital signal processing
Graduated at October 24, 2006 with final mark 1,0 (with honors).
Diploma thesis titled "Advances in subspace-based parameter estimation:
Tensor-ESPRIT-type methods and non-circular sources". The thesis was
awarded the "Siemens Communications Academic Award 2006".
09/2003 - 09/2004: studied computer engineering at McMaster University, Hamilton/ON (Canada),
with a scholarship from the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).
09/1999 - 08/2000: civilian service. Catering, accounting and cleaning in a facility where senior citizens can meet each other and participate in organized activities.
2019 - 2023: Elected member of the Technical Area Committee (TAC) "Signal Processing for Multisensor Systems" of the European Association for Signal Processing (EURASIP) (re-elected for second term after the first term 2019-2021)